Summer has passed, followed by autumn and Christmas. Things regarding JOGLE have been - until recently - slow and far between. I took my first solo camping trip in September and, aside from the exhaustion, loved it!
After that work and family efforts took priority, and route planning was fitted in where possible.
Once new years passed we got together and hammered out quite a few details, we now have a clearer idea about a lot of things, we have enthusiasm (maybe a bit strong to call it that, but we have a benign resolve to at least give over some time), we have travel plans, we have bikes (Chris even has a spare frame on account of being slightly taller than a dwarf! - only slightly mind), we have, between us, quite a lot of expensive camping gear and paraphernalia. And finally, for the most part we all have 3 weeks off work!
So many ideas, plans and thoughts have crossed my mind, stamped around a bit, and wandered off over the last few weeks that I am some what of a husk filled with the complete works of Shakespeare. Also I have finished reading a fantastic book "Mud, sweat and Gears" by Ellie Bennett - a fantastic read that I feel has put me in good stead to understand the enormity, and wonder of the task ahead. Highly recommended reading to any end-to-enders.
I will try to update the blog as we go along now - training has started, plans are beginning to be set in motion, and the nerves are starting to fret on the sidelines, just to the rear-left of my head, I can feel them biting nails.
Ride Safe.
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